Theoretical, academic and scientific research
- Johannes Birringer translates Klaus Nicolai's
Metabody Manifesto “Anmerkungen zur Beteiligung der Trans-Media-Akademie
Hellerau (TMA) am Projekt METABODY” (June 2013) and begins cooperative
with TMA Dresden on further development of ETP (European Teleplateaus) and
Nicolai’s Net-e-motion-touching systems – (NEMO_TOUCH): Trans-local Stages
of Human-Body-Presence
- Johannes Birringer, Michèle Danjoux and members of
the DAP-Lab work on research development of new wearable prototypes for a
choreosonic performance (“for the time being”) to be produced over the
next 8 months, resulting after numerous rehearsals in a public performance
(April 3-4, 2014) that tests the newly built amplificatory
costume-instruments. The wearables combine various analog and digital
sensor, microphone, speaker and electrical/electronic microcircuit
technologies (designed by Danjoux, John Richards, Cameron McKirdy, Oliver
Doyle, and Mike Blow) affording new performer techniques and
perceptual/kinaesthetic and tactile/haptic affects.
- DAP-Lab works on postproduction of this test phase
and releases two films:
for the time being
[Victory over the Sun] Part 1
for the time being [Victory over the
Sun] Part 2
DAP-Lab participates in other public platforms of
dissemination to demonstrate the work on the design of wearables.
February 25, 2014: “Wearables,” DAP-Lab wearable
design featured in BBC World Service Program “Click”, broadcast from
London BBC Radio Theatre, February 25. // See Film
documentary on Michèle Danjoux demonstrating DAP-Wearables, with
Vanessa Michielon, Oliver Doyle, and Rosella Galindo on the BBC program.
February 28, 2014 “Critical Costumes by DAP-Lab,”
featurd at Artbar Event, MCA (Museum of Contemporary Art Australia),
Sidney. Cueated by Chicks on Speed.
- Johannes Birringer describes the conceptual
development of these audible scenographies in a keynote (Sept. 4, 2014) on
“Audible Choreographies: Movement Technologies” at the TaPRA conference in
England, pointing out the political and social significance of critical
design awareness regarding the control and alignment protocols of capture
and data extraction technologies, one of the key areas of research within
the METABODY framework.
artistic outputs: DAP-lab begins collaboration with
Kouros and Daniel Bisig (Phantom Limb) to plan designs for new costumes
for Phantom Limb. Danjoux examines new speaker film materials for design
- DAP-lab begins collaboration with Marije Baalman to
test SenseStage technologies (Minibees) for potential integration into new
costumes for METABODY, with the conceptual plan of creating a werarable
architecture (similar to Jaime del Val’s amorphous wearable architecture)
that can be luminescent (solar powered) and sound-generating, allowing the
wearer to explore tactile-sonic feedback during the experience of the
- DAP-Lab begins closer collaboration with Jo Siamon
Salich and TMA Dresden on ideas for the design of wearables.
HOLOstage project developed in Dresden is led by Salich, envisioning a
dialogue in real time captured and translated (data processing) between a
real life performer and his/her avatar appearing on a specially built
holographic stage The dialogue would be experienced by audiences who can
walk around the environment and see both the real dancer and the hologram
-Michèle Danjoux, and Vanessa Michielon, participate
in the STEIM (Amsterdam) pressure cooker workshop on e-textiles to examine
new scientific innovations in intelligent garment design. See here for the
of the Workshop which took place October 8 – 13, 2014.
documentation of the project on e-textiles, movement and sound at STEIM -
go here
Kinect 3DS capture system workshop held at Brunel
University, testing capabilties of Kinect system to translate costume
movement to alternate graphic visualization (Cameron McKirdy, Johannes
Birringer), Oct 2, 2014. This Kinect workshop was repeated on October 23,
First STITCH BITCH MAKE/PERFORM workshop for fashion
designers, wearables artists, techno/textile and interaction artists,
architects and sound artists, arranged by Camille Baker at London's
Watermans Art Center, Digital
Weekender, November 09, 2014.
Second STITCH BITCH MAKE/PERFORM workshop for fashion
designers, wearables artists, techno/textile and interaction artists,
architects and sound artists, arranged by Camille Baker at London's Art
Workers Guild, Holborn, February 19, 2015.
MetaSeminar: Digital Technologies Workshop experiments
with MetaKimospheres, February 10, 2015, Artaud
Performance Center, Brunel University. The DAP-Lab co-directors develop a
new conceptual outline of performance-costumes interlinked to
architectural atmospheres and kinetic states - these phenomena are
examined under the name "metakimosphere".
Metakimospheres with
inhabitant-visitor (above) seen from outside, and experienced from inside
(c) DAP-Lab 2015
"MetaKimosphere no.1" (short film document)
Michèle Danjoux is invited to present at "Fashion
Responsive" Symposium , HEAD – Genève (Switzerland), March 24, 2015,
curated by Scientific Director Luca Marchetti.
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